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Selfish Hate: Selfish Hate Selfish Hate: Selfish Hate
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9,00 €

Selfish Hate sind zurück! Nach ihrem Album "Today Tomorrow Forever" in 2013 und den zwei 7" Singles in 2016 und
2017 sind die vier Freiburger mit ihrem Full Album "Face The Truth" nun zurück und härter als je zuvor! SELFISH HATE
das ist straight in your face oldschool Hardcore!
SELFISH HATE is straight in your face oldschool Hardcore! They played a lot of shows all over Germany, Swiss and
France with Bands like Sick Of It All, Biohazard and many more. After some DIY Releases SELFISH HATE droped out
their EP "Unbreakable" (2011) and the 1st Full Length Album "Today Tomorrow Forever" (2013) on District 763
Records. 2017 the first vinyl was published by Klabautermann Records: "Sinners, no saints"! Also in 2017, a split 7"
with Trailer Trash Terror was released on Klabautermann. Now they are back "Face The Truth"!

Wirtschaftakteur im Sinne des ProdSG ist:
Karsten Grimnik, c/o Hulk Räckorz GmbH &, Kurierweg 26a, D-46562 Voerde


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