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The Black Tape - The Zsa Zsa Gabors: Split EP The Black Tape - The Zsa Zsa Gabors: Split EP

The Black Tape - The Zsa Zsa Gabors: Split EP The Black Tape - The Zsa Zsa Gabors: Split EP
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7,99 €

The Black Tape aus Kronach und The Zsa Zsa Gabor's aus Sankt Pölten, Österreich.
2 X Punkrock !

1 –The Black Tape Let's Go 1:33
2 –The Black Tape Hungry Wolf 1:27
3 –The Zsa Zsa Gabor's Zsa Zsa Gabor 2:33
4 –The Zsa Zsa Gabor's Dig Up Her Bones (The Misfits Cover) 2:52

Wirtschaftakteur im Sinne des ProdSG ist:
Palme, c/o Hulk Räckorz GmbH &, Kurierweg 26a, D-46562 Voerde


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