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Outsiders Joy: Yes we can - LP Outsiders Joy: Yes we can - LP
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11,99 €

YES WE CAN was not only the ubiquitous slogan of the 44th and first afro-American president of the United States, it also happens to be the title song of the punk rock band OUTSIDERS JOY’s new album. It’s a leitmotif of our times, where so many things turn out to be difficult, unjust, meaningless or just plain stupid. The phrase gives hope, opens our eyes, makes us strong. Yes, we can! We can do something against the government, their policy, and the crisis that’s all around us. We can change something; we don’t just have to stand things as they are. We can rule this world and still have fun! We can, if we want to! So get your asses up and stand up for it!

The album is up-to-date as no other. It’s about the characters of Germany’s present government that get beaten as they deserve it for their willingly void and superficial slogans and politics (“Angela”, “Guido Westerwelle”). It’s about racism, fascism, and right wing radicalism, which unfortunately never die (“Neue braune Welle”/”New Brown Wave”, “Nazi-Radar”). It’s about religion in general, and the child-abuse scandal of catholic church in particular, which becomes more and more implausible with missteps of their highest representatives (“Wo war Gott”/”Where was God”). It’s about that grey area that splits punk rock for quite some time now and gives bands that are completely unpolitical and not clearly anti-right wing a stage (“Punkrockseil”/”Punk rock rope”, “Selbst wenn”/”Even if”). All this is filled with everyday stories and human tragedies, stories that happen all over the place in this year of 2010, be they personal, dark, love, or hate.

The lyrics are cynical and sarcastic, sociocritical and partly polemic, sometimes in-your-face and always with a great deal of irony. Musically the band stays with what they do best: fast punk rock with beautiful, catchy melodies that just stay in your ear. By no means monotonous, though, as they vary with midtempo, funk, good old waltz and even a ballad. Yes, punk rock may do that! Guest instruments perfectly contribute to the mix: organ, piano, accordion, and alto horn. Legend producer Guido Lucas adds the finishing touch with a perfect sound recorded in blubox studio Troisdorf, Germany.
This record is in red vinyl, limited to 250 copies and comes with a downloadcode of the whloe record.


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album: Yes we can 7,99
 bit-rate: 320 kbit            year of release: 2010

01. Der Introlead (02:29) 0,89€
02. Noch ein Lied dagegen (01:16) 0,89€
03. Punkrockseil (02:58) 0,89€
04. Angela (02:33) 0,89€
05. Yes we can (01:11) 0,89€
06. Neue braune Welle (03:35) 0,89€
07. Ohne Dich (02:46) 0,89€
08. Guido Westerwelle (02:36) 0,89€
09. Nelken in Weiß  (02:58) 0,89€
10. Selbst wenn (01:00) 0,89€
11. Wo war Gott (02:54) 0,89€
12. Unglückliche Liebe (04:30) 0,89€
13. Nazi-Radar (01:38) 0,89€
14. Thilo (03:35) 0,89€
15. Warnschild (03:09) 0,89€
16. Why do you listen (02:18) 0,89€
17. Zu müde, zu faul (05:26) 0,89€