Blättern Rückwärts Music // DVD's ->  CD's ->  02. Paranoya: Atmen  Blättern Vorwärts
02. Paranoya: Atmen 02. Paranoya: Atmen
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8,99 €

"Atmen" ("Breathing") by Paranoya. 17 very straight and forward songs which are influencend by different punkstyles here and there. The songs - some in german, some in english - tell stories about the big pool which is called "Life". So it's clear that the songlyrics are about social problems and also about personal issues: Powerful and in different tempi. Of course the band is far from
inventing a new punkrock-style. But who cares if the band is playing a variation of Punk in a sound that's quite they're own. And now you can listen and judge for yourself!


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album: Atmen 5,99
 bit-rate: 8 kbit            year of release: 2009

01. Vor dem Sturm(Intro) (00:50) 0,15€
02. Hinterfragen (02:40) 1,00€
03. Zwanghaft (01:37) 1,00€
04. Stadtrand (03:20) 1,00€
05. Das neue Design (03:01) 1,00€
06. Not me (02:04) 1,00€
07. Identitaet (02:23) 1,00€
08. Worte wie Gift (03:41) 1,00€
09. Mono (02:53) 1,00€
10. Standortbestimmung (02:05) 1,00€
11. Atmen (01:43) 1,00€
12. Traum wahr werden(Intro) (00:43) 0,15€
13. Es gibt mehr (02:35) 1,00€
14. New world disorder (02:48) 1,00€
15. Offene Fenster (03:00) 1,00€
16. Defekt (02:52) 1,00€
17. Ohne Farbe (02:25) 1,00€
18. Denken,fragen,leben (02:22) 1,00€
19. Wovor fuerchtest du dich? (03:29) 1,00€